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Airbus changes A380 delivery schedule for 2009/2010

11 May 2009 - press release

In 1999, I joined a robotics team to participate in robotics Alongside my BSc, I founded a research team to make a small size hovercraftAlongside my BSc, I founded a research team to make a smallcompetitions.Alongside my BSc, I founded a research team hovercraftAlongside my BSc, I founded a research team to make a smallcompetitionsAlongside my BSc, I founded a research team to make a small size hovercraftAlongside my BSc,Green methods are guiding the construction of the new A350 XWB final assembly line in Toulouse, France - which is reusing up to 10,000 cubic metres of existing materials from the site's previous taxiway. This reduces the volume of construction materials required from quarries. When it becomes operational, the assembly facility's 22,000 square metres of photovoltaic solar panels will produce an estimated 50 per cent of its own energy. In addition, an optimized energy management system.

Efforts to sustain diverse species are also underway in Toulouse, where Airbus employees at the A380 final assembly facility have installed a nesting box for a male peregrine falcon that has taken up residence atop the 40-metre high factory building. The box will provide a refuge for the bird, of which only 1,400 breeding pairs of this species remain in France. The falcon also deters pigeons, whose feathers and waste are a nuisance at the site. More than 130 other species have been observed at the A380 final assembly site by the French Natural History Museum in Paris, with over 1,500 birds documented and ringed since 2006.At the Airbus facility in Nantes, France, hundreds of trucks that previously transported tons of liquid waste to external sites will be eliminated - cutting costs and CO2 emissions. This is due to the construction of a new organic wastewater treatment plant designed to reclaim purified water. The facility is part of a new 5000 square metre recycling park for industrial waste - double the size of the current structure.

In Hamburg, a former Airbus industrial electronics engineer-tuned-beekeeper is using these insects as biological monitors to ensure that the air, water, soil and plants around the Airbus complex are pollutant-free. Since May, six bee populations containing between 80,000 and 120,000 insects have been flying patrols near the runways, collecting nectar and pollen from flowers over an area of twelve square kilometres. The honey they produce is then tested for heavy metals, benzene, ethylene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) - pollutants typically produced by air traffic. As part of The Green Wave initiative, Airbus hopes to help ensure the survival of bees, which are indispensable to preserving biodiversity.The maiden flight of the initial A320 built at Airbus' new final assembly line in Tianjin, China - the first aircraft produced outside of Airbus' European facilities - marks a milestone in the expansion of the company's global industrial network.Aircraft build-up activity at Tianjin began in August 2008, with its organisation.